Eco Friendly Oasis
Oasis has successfully achieved 'Eco-Schools Green Flag' accreditation and we continue to work towards maintaining our Eco-Friendly status through daily practice.
We continue to work towards Eco Friendly Oasis centres to protect the earth by promoting the impact of climate change within the curriculum and culture of the setting.
Each learning room has its own water butt to help save water. The children independently access this water to feed their plants daily and in all aspects of outside water play activities. Our gardening project supports the children’s understanding of making healthy lifestyle choices.
All children currently take part in a daily physical focus and next term we are introducing our daily half-mile for children and staff to take part together.
The children also take responsibility to nurture and harvest their carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, peas, beetroot, radish, and potatoes. Fingers crossed for a good crop this year! With the support of our Forest School Leader, the staff and children have enjoyed planting and learning about new plants, insects and their habitats in our new extended outside areas.
Oasis children have taken up the challenge of recycling paper, card, plastic and reusable materials. We now recycle over 50% of our waste each week. Our leftover fruit from snack and vegetables from lunch feeds our rabbits Bluebell, Penguin, Lotus, Raya and Oreo and our Guinea pig Black.
Watch this space for further updates.